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Equity and Inclusion

In our work, we recognize that an equitable approach to educate about and mitigate harm is essential to disrupting systemic disparities. Any work that we do, must take a structured approach to deconstruct harm that these disparities create.

Upcoming Sessions

Date: Monday, February 28, 2022

Time: 11:00am – 12:30pm (Eastern Time)

Black History Month is a good time for us to think about the impact of disparities on Black and Brown people in our systems of care; both for the people served and the people who serve vulnerable adults. Further, deconstructing how anti-blackness harms us all means that one of the foundational steps we must take is to recognize that these systems require new patterns.

We ask that you join us this February and beyond as we embark on a shared effort in creating a collective movement of respectful and equitable service in practice – that hears, understands, and empathizes with the needs of our communities and clients – so that we might undo some harms and support those in need in ways that are meaningful to them – in the act of living well.

The Socratic Series are facilitated discussions about the attributes of systems of oppression and how we can take action to abolish oppression. Differing from many other presentations we discuss the deconstruction of disparity by creating a forum for all the participants to conceptualize and take action. In this initial discussion, we will center the conversation on the generational impact of redlining and gentrification; conversations about what is actionable to decolonize and undue the harm of redlining and gentrification.

Facilitators: Geoff Rogers, Director of Learning & Development Projects, has more than two decades of professional experience helping individuals and organizations learn, manage, change, and seize new opportunities. Prior to joining the Learning & Development Projects, Geoff was director of operations for the New York City Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). He has also worked in advertising, publishing, and marketing, and served as a director of special projects, director of training, and director of operations for New York City Adult Protective Services.

Meies Matz (waiting for content)

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